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Armed Store Clerk Gets Into Shootout With 2 Armed Robbers At Liquor Store

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — An attempted robbery at California Liquors in West Rogers Park, Chicago, escalated into a violent confrontation when two armed men demanded cash from a 44-year-old employee.

The altercation intensified as one assailant struck the worker with a bottle, leading the employee to pull out a gun and fire. The armed robbers also fired shots at the clerk. Although no one was shot, the employee suffered serious head injuries and was hospitalized in serious condition. It is unknown if either of the suspects was shot.

The suspects, described as two males in black attire, fled the scene.

This incident follows a similar pattern of recent armed robberies in the area, including an October 24 attempt at Issha Liquors where employees were attacked but not shot, and a series of seven robberies on October 14 across various neighborhoods where assailants also wore distinctive yellow gloves.

The police continue to investigate the string of violent incidents targeting liquor stores.

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