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Concealed Carriers Stop Man Who Brandished Fake Gun During “Free Palestine Rally And March”

EUGENE, OREGON — During a “Free Palestine Rally and March” on Oct. 21 attended by over 200 community members, a significant disruption occurred on Pearl Ave. A white GMC Sierra 2500 pickup adorned with right-wing flags obstructed the march at the intersection of E. 8th Ave. and Pearl St.

The driver of a white GMC Sierra 2500 pickup, masked similarly to Guy Fawkes, brandished what seemed to be a handgun, discharging what later was identified as a “splatter ball gun” by the Eugene Police Department (EPD). Two march participants advanced, producing their own handguns, and compelled the man to disarm and reveal his identity. The situation escalated further as Eugene police officers intervened with weapons drawn.

Photos of the incident can be viewed here in excellent detail.

The counter-protester was later identified as 51-year-old Jonathan James Wisbey from jail records. He faces charges including 1st Degree Menacing, 2nd Degree Disorderly Conduct, and 1st Degree Bias Crime.

Moreover, the event led to injury. A protester reportedly sustained a broken leg after being trampled when participants sought shelter by hurdling over construction barricades. The injured individual underwent surgery, with updates on their condition pending.

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