The .22 LifeCard “Ship to Your Door” Facebook Ad Is Fake, Don’t Fall For It!

There’s an ad making its rounds on Facebook for a LifeCard .22 priced at anywhere from $28.99 to $39.99, shipped right to your door. But this is obviously a scam, so don’t fall for it.I first came across this about a month ago when a friend sent me the following screenshot while I was in a Lyft on the way to the airport.

He asked for my opinion on the gun, and I told him it wasn’t something I’d ever carry, but I could possibly see throwing it into a survival bag or something along those lines. But I noticed the price and thought, we’ll for that price, why not? But I didn’t think any more of it, hopped out of the car, and headed to airport security.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with this gun, it is the LifeCard by Trail Blazer Firearms. It folds into the size of a stack of credit cards, coming in at .5 inches thin and weighing less than 7 ounces. The normal price range for these pistols is $299 to $369.

And then I came across this story this morning where a Florida man ordered one and says he received a real firearm and reported it to local authorities.

After doing some research, I couldn’t find any reports of people receiving actual firearms. I honestly couldn’t find any reports of anyone actually ordering the fake “LifeCard” other than the article I referenced above.

But Trail Blazer Firearms is aware as they have made the following post on their website:


If you purchased a “LifeCard” from some website that shipped it to your house for $20-$50, you’ve been had.

Firearms cannot be shipped right to your door.

Our handguns range from $299-$369.

Yes, these scammers are using our photos.

No, we aren’t affiliated.

Yes, we’ve reported them to Facebook.

No, we will not give you a refund against these purchases.

No, we will not sell you components to try to make a cheap plastic toy into a real gun.

So please be careful with your online purchases. If you see a deal that is too good to be true, then it probably is. And a $30 gun shipped to your door is one of those deals. For those of you that don’t already know this, firearms cannot be purchased online and shipped directly to you. Firearms must be transferred through an FFL. I personally think this company is sending out replica versions, not actual firearms, which the news article above alludes to.

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