
Road Rage Leads To Gun Drawn In Texas By Irresponsible Gun Owner

A road rage incident turns into a man hitting another car on the turnpike North of Dallas, TX. The man then pulled out a firearm and pointed it at the victim driving the car he ran into. From the looks of the photo, he might have pulled in front of this victim and slammed on the brakes.

What are the odds? I am at O’Hare airport heading to Dallas to teach an LTC class, and what do you know, this story comes up. It just so happens that my LTC classes are a few miles away from this road rage incident.

On Tuesday, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) sent troopers to the north side of Dallas, where a man with a gun was in the eastbound lanes of the President George Bush Turnpike. During the investigation, DPS Troopers found that Christiano Pinheiro De Abreu hit a Hyundai Sonata in his Hyundai Elantra during a road rage encounter.

Both drivers stopped, and Christiano pointed his gun at the Sonata driver. A Federal Post Office Police Officer saw the fight and held both drivers until DPS Troopers arrived. After the investigation, DPS Troopers arrested Christiano and put him in the Collin County Jail. Police charged Christiano with two counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

“There was traffic, so we started slowing down, and then we saw that to the side,” Ryan Haddox Tweeted in a message to NBC 5. “We got over a lane and got out of there right as a police officer was pulling up to the scene.”

Ryan Haddox said he saw what was happening and took a photo. @MrHaddox on Twitter.

In another tweet, Ryan said, “Wild son. Traffic was stopped down and this was happening on the side of the road. We got over and got tf outta there right as a cop was pulling up.”

As the victim found out, road rage can escalate quickly. His best bet would have probably been to stay in his car and maintain some distance from the road rager, if he could.

I know what the main topic of this weekend’s Texas LTC class will be about. Hey Ryan, it’s on me if you want to sit in on a firearms class. Stay safe.

By Brian Armstrong via USA Carry and republished with permission.

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