Man Goes On Shooting Rampage At Police Station, Killing 1 And Critically Injuring 1

JUNIATA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA — In a recent incident in Juniata County, a man named Brandon Stine, 38, from Thompsontown, reportedly shot and killed Pennsylvania State Police trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr and critically injured Lt. James Wagner. The incident occurred at the Lewistown barracks on Saturday when Stine opened fire on patrol cars. The confrontation culminated in Stine’s death following a gunfight with the police.

Past records reveal that Stine had a DUI charge from 2004 for which he served his sentence. Additionally, he had numerous traffic infractions, including speeding and ignoring stop signs in recent years. However, the reasons behind his violent acts over the weekend are unclear.

Stine’s sister, Christina Hummel, attributes his actions to psychosis. She reported that he was having delusions in which he believed that the police were actively attempting to end his life. According to Hummel’s social media post, Stine was paranoid, thinking people were poisoning his water and that nerve gas was being released by the government. This led to a state where he hadn’t slept or eaten for days and was in fear for his life.

Hummel aimed to dispel negative perceptions of her brother. She emphasized that he was a kind and helpful individual, rather than the monster that he may be portrayed as.

Hummel’s full statement, posted to social media, can be read here:

“I replay the events of the past weeks over in my head and sit here stunned. My brother was experiencing psychosis. He thought people were poisoning his water, smoky skies from nerve gas from the gov, etc. He hadn’t eaten or slept in days and was scared for his life. He wouldn’t go to the hospital because he thought they put a tracking chip in him last time inpatient. The cops were looking for him because he had threatened to shoot himself. In his delusions, the police were actively trying to kill him. My heart aches so very much for the brave police officers and their families too! I can’t believe this has happened! Brandon was the kindest person you’d meet! He had a heart of gold and bent over backward to help others! I’m posting because I want people to know why. He wasn’t a cold-blooded killer! He was delusional and needed help. His last text to me ‘the state was just trying to take my life. I just wanted to live.’ It feels like a nightmare. Unreal! But I want ppl to know he wasn’t the monster ppl will say he was. If someone you know experiences mental health issues don’t discount it. It’s real!”

This brings up, yet again, the mental health crisis that plagues our Country. Knowing what signs to look for, speaking with our loved ones and friends, and being open about mental health is going to help curb these ongoing issues. Better treatment, access to health services, and much more, are needed.

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