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Carjacker Killed After Choosing Off-Duty Officer As Target, Who Defended Himself And Wife

LAUDERDALE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI — On Friday, an off-duty Lauderdale County deputy thwarted a carjacking attempt, resulting in the death of the would-be carjacker. The deputy was attending a Vacation Bible School play with his wife at the First Baptist Church in downtown Meridian when the incident happened.

While retrieving a walker for his wife, who had recently undergone knee surgery, a man threatened to steal the deputy’s car. The deputy’s resistance led to a prolonged altercation, documented by the church’s security cameras.

When the suspect tried to commandeer the vehicle, the deputy, whose wife was still partly in the car, used his concealed firearm to counter the carjacking. Lauderdale County Sheriff Billy Sollie confirmed the alleged carjacker’s death.

The investigation is being led by the Meridian Police Department, with the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation handling evidence collection. No charges have been filed against the deputy.

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