
Montana Inn Shooter Will Not Be Charged In Fatal Shooting

FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA — The Flathead County Attorney, Travis Ahner, has decided not to charge the shooter in the April 2022 shooting at the Snowslip Inn in Essex, which left Jeremy McKenzie dead in the parking lot, according to the Flathead Beacon.

The investigation raised “issues of self-defense,” according to Ahner.

After evaluating information from search warrants, subpoenas, witness accounts, and a physical exam of the scene, Ahner stated that a successful prosecution would likely not be possible based on self-defense.

The county attorney’s office referred to Montana Code Annotated 2021 Chapter 3, which explains laws surrounding Justifiable Use of Force.

According to the code, “A person is justified in the use of force or threat to use force against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that the conduct is necessary for self-defense.”

Flathead County Sheriff Brian Heino agreed with Ahner’s decision, citing the “complexities” in the case that would have made it difficult to prosecute. Heino stated that he relied on the county attorney’s judgment.

Ahner praised the witnesses who cooperated fully with the investigation by staying present, calling 911, rendering aid, and answering questions.

The victim’s family could pursue a civil case or reach out to the Attorney General’s office to review the case, according to Ahner.

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