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Man Instigates Lengthy Pursuit And Shootout With California Law Enforcement

This is just one of those situations that come out of the blue.

According to John Correia with the Active Self Protection YouTube channel, the man that these officers confront was not someone they were looking for — this was just their bad luck.

After the law enforcement officers attempt to apprehend the suspect who appeared to have abandoned a vehicle in the middle of a road, the suspect bolts, sparking a lengthy foot pursuit.

After the suspect gave up on the idea of escape by running, he produced a firearm and instigated a firefight.

It’s an odd situation that developed into worst-case for the officers involved very quickly. You can check out the video below, but keep in mind that it’s graphic in nature, and that viewer discretion is advised.

As you watch it, should you choose to, ask yourselves these questions:

  1. Did the officers talk on the radio so much that their effectiveness in self-defense was diminished?
  2. Do you keep a flashlight on you apart from any pistol-mounted light you may carry as a part of your EDC?
  3. What did Correia miss that you wish he’d brought up?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments on Facebook and here on the website!

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