
Idiot Woman Pops Off Some Rounds Towards A Vehicle With A 2-Year-Old Inside During Road Rage Incident

HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS — Two people have been arrested following a road rage incident in which a woman fired 2 shots at a vehicle, grazing the driver and luckily missing the 2-year-old in the back seat.

The 40-year-old woman, Nazly Ortiz, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. She’s the big smarty pants who fired the rounds.

The man she was with, identified as Benjamin Greene and also arrested, is charged with assault.

Both have been charged by us as morons.

Video of the incident was captured by a nearby driver, who luckily wasn’t injured during the terrible actions of both of these individuals.

It’s apparent that these two have anger issues, and should not be let off easily, especially the woman. By her actions, it’s clear that she is a danger to society with a temper like that, and should absolutely spend some solid time behind bars.

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