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Armed Robber Dies After Shootout With Concealed Carrying Customer

DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA – A customer fatally shot an armed man who was attempting a pizza shop robbery Friday evening. According to a report issued by DeKalb County Police, they were dispatched to Mod Pizza on Blackmon Drive, just north of the Decatur city limits. On arrival, they interviewed several witnesses to the incident as well as a 46-year-old customer who admitted to shooting the suspect. That person has not been identified, as police say that he will not face charges.

The deceased was identified as Ontario Davis, 24, of Decatur. The customer stated that he was sitting inside the business when a masked and armed Davis entered and ordered everyone inside to the floor. Davis turned his back to the man and issued an order to employees, saying, “One of y’all get up and get the money out of the register.”

Seizing the opportunity, the customer drew his handgun, pointed it at the suspect and ordered him to drop his piston. Davis responded by turning and firing toward the customer. The two exchanged gunfire until Davis fell to the floor and stumbled outside. Officers located him across the street. He was transported to a local hospital for treatment of his injuries, where he later died.

There were no other injuries, and police did not say how many shots were fired in the gunfight. MOD Pizza management declined to comment on the incident, citing an ongoing police investigation.

Engaging an armed robber is always a risky proposition and a decision that must be made by a concealed carrier in a matter of seconds. It is possible that the robber could have gotten the money and left without harming anyone. It’s also possible that something could have caused him to shoot one or more of the employees or customers for some reason, or for no reason at all.  Training, situational awareness and clear decision-making are critical in a situation that escalates rapidly.

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