Early on in the coronavirus escapade, prisons across the Country were making the decision to release prisoners from custody. Thousands were released since then, including high-risk sex offenders and others incarcerated for other violent crimes.
Since the start of the pandemic, California has released 10,000 prisoners from custody early, and they’re not done yet. They may be just getting started.

CDCR has already released around 10,000 inmates since the start of the coronavirus outbreak but an estimated 8,000 more could be released by the end of August.
The goal is to maximize space and to protect vulnerable populations.
“We’re glad the Governor is taking action to release more people,” said Jay Jordan, Executive Director, Californians for Safety and Justice. “This is absolutely critical for the health and safety of every Californian. Too many people are incarcerated for too long in facilities that spread poor health. Supporting the health and safety of all Californians means releasing people unnecessarily incarcerated and transforming our justice system.”
An estimated 108,000 prisoners could be eligible for this early release, with around 8,000 being eligible for release by August.
It’s not immediately clear what types of offenders will be receiving their get out of jail free cards, but one could assume that out of 108,000 eligible prisoners, at least some are behind bars for violent crimes.
And yet, the powers that be deem it better to have them out in society, verses behind bars because they could catch coronavirus and put more of a strain on the prison system.