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[VIDEO] Armed Officer Has Gun Taken Right Out Of Holster While In Line At Convenience Store

A retention holster, especially with open carry, is essential to helping you maintain control over your firearm and giving anyone else a hard time trying to get it.

What happened here is something that just shouldn’t be a thing, but it was.

The officer is at the register, checking out with some items. Very quickly, a man comes up behind her and immediately reaches for her firearm. He’s successful in grabbing it in just a few seconds and possibly tries to shoot the officer, although luckily that attempt did not come to fruition.

Questions: Do you open carry? If so, what’s your holster setup consist of? I don’t open carry and am personally not a fan of it. To each their own, though, and in any instance we need to make sure that we’re using the best equipment that will help us win a fight. Should a fight find us.

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