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Wife Pulls Out Gun And Shoots After Husband Is Confronted By Multiple Armed Attackers

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA — A husband and wife were out in a parking lot at an apartment complex early Friday, when they were approached by multiple suspects who tried robbing the husband at gunpoint.

Emily Bishop, the wife and off-duty cop, immediately drew her firearm and shot at the suspects.

According to the police, the other suspects fired back then fled the scene, and a 17-year-old male suspect was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The officer, Emily Bishop, was unharmed.

via charlotteobserver.com

Police are still looking for the other suspects, and hopefully the 17-year-old who wasn’t so lucky will give up that information.

An armed robbery and burglary are also being investigated that happened just before the shooting.

The incident happened while it was still dark, in the early morning hours. Anytime that we don’t have sunlight, we become more vulnerable to attacks such as these.

Bishop seems to have kept her cool and knew exactly what to do in the situation. Her training kicked in, and she was able to successfully defend her life and her husband’s life from these criminals.

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