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Delivery Driver Stops Armed Robbery In Progress, Shoots Robber

ELLENWOOD, GEORGIA — Owning and carrying a firearm on the job for drivers or delivery people is almost becoming a must. Driving around with a truckload of products or cash makes for a tempting target. Also, constantly going into new places and meeting with new people can be another considerable risk. This bread delivery driver found himself in one of those situations during a routine delivery.

Around 6:30 a.m. at the Hardee’s on Anvilblock Road Mr. Chilton was delivering bread when he noticed employees running out of the back door and a woman screaming for help.

The suspect, Parrish Damario Kentrell, had jumped over the counter and pointed a weapon at an employee and demanded cash. Meanwhile, Chilton quickly ran back to his truck and grabbed his firearm. He then headed back into the building to help the distressed employee.

In a matter of minutes, a short gun battle ensued, allegedly leaving the robbery suspect wounded. Authorities said, Chilton shot Kentrell several times which resulted in Kentrell to escape the restaurant prior to police arriving at the scene.

Via CBS 46

As Chilton was bringing in his daily delivery, he sees employees running and screaming out the back door. Without hesitation he returns to his truck and retrieves his firearm. He then courageously heads inside towards the danger to offer assistance.

Once inside, Mr. Chilton gets into a gunfight with the armed robber. At the conclusion of the fight, the robber is shot and flees for safety. The robber is later found, barricaded inside a house refusing to come out. Police needed to call SWAT to end the standoff.

Chilton, however, ended up unscathed and a hero. These are the kinds of “Good guy with a gun” stories the national news doesn’t like to cover. It proves that guns save lives.

For his heroic actions, the local sheriff made Chilton an Honorary Deputy and inducted him into The Sheriff’s Posse Hall of Fame.

While it’s not recommended to get involved in such a matter, that decision is left to the armed citizen. If lives are at stake, or the urge is simply there to help, things can happen. If you do ever make that choice, know as much as you can about what you’re getting yourself into.

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