“I Don’t Got My F****** Gun,” Says Man Streaming Live Inside Walmart During Shooting

Photo courtesy Instagram

A man who was inside the Walmart at the time of the mass shooting in El Paso was posting stories on Instagram, and in some you can hear the gunshots in the background as he looked for safety.

I’m not sure that I would be recording videos of myself during something like that, but he did.

Regardless, Instagram user al24fit said something important as you hear gunfire in the background; “I don’t got my f****** gun.”

After getting out of the Walmart, he posts a few other videos showing injured people being taken out and attended to.

After arriving home, he speaks a little more about not having his firearm with him at the time.

“Tragedy, man. I just wish I had my firearm on me at the time. That was my mistake that I regret.”

The sequence of videos can be viewed here.

“Do you really need your firearm when you go to the store? Nothing bad is going to happen there.” That’s a common question/statement that concealed carriers get on a regular basis.

Truth is, if we knew were bad things were going to happen, we wouldn’t go to those places at that time. Unless you have a crystal ball or psychic abilities, carry on.

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