Ruger American New Shooter Academy Season 2: Episode 1

Host Kyle Harth, Firearms Instructor, US Army Special Forces, provides firearms training to a family of new shooters. These individuals will receive specialized training to develop their shooting skills with Ruger firearms, while having fun, safely, together as a family.

In this first episode, Kyle meets the Johnson family, Brett, Taylor, Nick and Justice, and learns about their individual shooting experiences.  Brett, husband and father, is interested in improving his accuracy. Taylor, wife and mother, has experience shooting sporting clays, but would really like to improve her pistol shooting skills. Their twelve-year-old son Nick is looking to move up from a 22 to 9mm. Lastly, their teenage daughter Justice is a competitive sporting clay shooter and her experience lies with shotguns. She looks to really get outside her comfort zone with pistol and rifle training.

Ruger American New Shooter Academy Season 2 is presented by DeSantis GunHide.

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