Proposed Bill Would Give Surgeon General-Style Warnings to Gun Owners in Illinois

Photo Copyright : primagefactory / 123RF

An amendment was added to HB 96 in Illinois, introduced by Democrat Kathleen Willis, that would issue warnings to gun owners at the same time they receive their FOID card.

The warning would be similar to what we see on packs of cigarettes from the Surgeon General.

“Warning: The presence of a firearm in the home has been associated with an increased risk of death to self and  others, including an increased risk of suicide, death during domestic violence incidents, and unintentional deaths to children and others.”

Like the photo above, it seems they want to try and entice you to choose a different method of self-defense. For example;

  • Rape Whistle
  • Telling the bad guy to stop
  • Pocket Knife
  • Inform the bad guy that they are committing a crime
  • Yelling
  • Pee on yourself

It’s Illinois, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if it made it’s way into the bill.

h/t TTAG

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