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Neighbor Breaks Into 12-Year-Old Girl’s Room, Undresses, Then Receives Multiple Lead Deposits From The Mother’s Boyfriend

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — A 12-year-old girl did everything right to alert her parents of an intruder who broke into her room, and was able to find an opportunity to flee. When the suspect went looking for her, he was met by someone else; an extremely angry man ready to defend everyone inside the home.

According to court documents, it happened around 7 a.m. on April 14. That’s when Tina Burton she says her next door neighbor broke into her house, entered her 12-year-old daughter’s room and started undressing.
“He got undressed in my daughter’s room,” Burton said. “Like, what was your intentions? … You are sick.”

The girl did not freeze, but instead did everything right in order to save herself.

“She was really smart,” Burton said. “She hid under the cover, turned her light down, turned her volume down on her phone to text me. When she peeked under the cover to see where he was at, she got up and ran away. She went to the back room. And I think that was really brave and smart of her.”

After this, the intruder walked through the house and then into the kitchen, wearing just his underwear.

That’s when Ali Bracey, Burton’s boyfriend, confronted the man. He yelled at him to get out of the home, and instead the man growled at Bracey and wouldn’t leave. Bracey began hitting the man with a broom, and anything else that was within arm’s reach. Nothing was making the man retreat, until Bracey finally got his hands on a firearm, handed to him by Burton.

“He ended up getting six shots, period,” Bracey said.

The man, 38-year-old Donald Oliver, was picked up by police and charged with burglary, assault, and possession of a controlled substance. He faced the judge from his wheelchair, courtesy of a man who wouldn’t let his family be victims.

Police also found a bag of heroin they believe Oliver dropped as he was taking off his clothes.

In the home at the time were Burton’s two other daughters, and luckily Oliver was dealt with before he could do any harm. There is no telling what he had in mind, and it could have been a drug-fueled incident with no intentions of harming anyone inside the home.

Regardless, you can never be too cautious when it comes to children, especially under these circumstances. Bracey did everything to protect everyone inside the home, and we commend him for that.

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