
Gunman Kills 12 Inside California Bar During College Party

THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA — A man walked into a bar last night around 11 pm local time, the Borderline Bar & Grill, where he started shooting without saying a word or giving any warning.

“He just pulled out a gun and shot my friend that was working the front desk,” a witness said.

12 people were killed and many others injured.

The identity of the suspect has not been officially released, but police say he was a 29-year-old man who had with him a .45 caliber Glock and some type of smoke device. According to DailyMail, the suspect was also an ex-Marine.

Police say he drove his mother’s car to the bar, where he simply walked in and began shooting.

Among those killed was a 29-year veteran of the police force, Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus. Helus was shot several times by the gunman and was taken to the hospital where he later died. He was planning to retire next year.

Ventura County Sheriff Ron Helus, who lost his life while trying to stop the gunman in last night’s shooting.

The investigation is ongoing. Watch this space for further details.

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