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Strangulation Attempt Stymied by Armed Citizen; Trigger Pull Not Necessary

ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FL — A man who strangled a woman nearly to death was likely shocked to be on the tail end of a handgun attack by a third party, NorthEscambia.com reports.

I don’t mean that the man was shot — the guy was pistol-whipped in the face so hard he got knocked out of commission.

According to NorthEscambia.com:

Cordaryl Lewis was charged with domestic battery by strangulation for the attack on the woman.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to Atmore Community Hospital where the victim said she became involved in a verbal argument with Lewis about leaving the house they had just bought. The altercation became physical and Lewis choked her to the point that she lost consciousness, according to an arrest report. Her injuries were consistent with her statement, according to deputies.

When deputies arrived at the couple’s home in Walnut Hill, they found Lewis had multiple wounds to his face and was bleeding heavily after being pistol whipped by a third party whose name has not been released. That individual has not been charged.

The Sheriff’s Office said Lewis has a 1-year old child with the victim.

There are many uses for a good, general use handgun. They can be fun at the range, and they should be at the very least comfortable and familiar. They are good for a little amateur target shooting, if you want to show off to friends, and of course, you should be confident in its reliability should it be secured by your nightstand.

I never really thought “bludgeon” would be a good quality to seek out in a general purpose firearm, but there you are.

I have to imagine that there was some form of extenuating circumstance that prevented the firing of the gun; maybe there was a concern about hitting Lewis’ victim.

Good move, though.

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