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Man Found Not Guilty In Shooting, Claimed Self-Defense And Was Facing Life Sentence

SAGINAW, MICHIGAN – A man was found not guilty of assault with intent to murder and felony firearm after a trial determined there was ample evidence to believe he was acting in self-defense when he shot a female friend in his own home. The acquitted, Cody Nelson, was facing a life sentence.

In the years-long court battle, attorneys defending Nelson relied on the eyewitness testimony of others that Nelson shot Alyssa Martin because she was a former resident of the home with Nelson and knew where a gun was located in the home. Nelson claimed that he was fearful that Martin was going to use the gun against him.

The incident’s genesis was over a Nike sweatshirt belonging to Martin that Nelson was wearing at the time of the incident.

Martin and her friend, Amad Miles, went to go confront Nelson about the sweatshirt at his home and found him wearing it and playing videogames. Miles left the home after Nelson asked them to leave, but Martin did not and began moving further into the home where she knew another firearm was kept.

Attorneys representing Martin claimed Nelson used the firearm in anger when she came to retrieve the sweatshirt. However, given the evidence provided by the defense, the jury determined enough doubt to rule Nelson not guilty.

Martin survived the shooting but with severe complications and also testified in the trial. Nelson did not.

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