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SECURE YOUR FIREARMS: 2-Year-Old Gets A Hold Of Pistol, Dies After Pulling The Trigger

HOUSTON, TEXAS — A 2-year-old boy is dead after finding a pistol inside his home and shooting himself in the head. That’s not a story we ever want to report on and are heartbroken by what took place, but all gun owners need to be aware of how important it is to secure your firearms from those who should not have access to them.

Authorities believe the gun belonged to the child’s father but will continue investigating.

“To all gun owners. You need to secure the weapons, so that nothing like this can happen in the future,” Cpt. Angelo said.

The father was briefly detained and questioned, and police are combing through evidence to see if any charges will be filed.

The loss of this young life could have been avoided, had the firearm been secured properly. There isn’t an excuse that I can think of that would work in these scenarios. As gun owners, it is our responsibility to make sure that our firearms are out of reach of young hands.

As tragic as this is and as much as this family is grieving, someone in that household has earned an Irresponsible Gun Owner title.

There is no room for error and things like this cannot be undone.

Please, please please… secure your firearms.

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