You Aren’t The Target: Homeowner Accidentally Shoots Self During Home Burglary

PUTNAM COUNTY, WV — A man attempting to defend himself from an encroaching neighbor accidentally fell and shot himself in the leg, reports WSAZ.

Christopher Evans-Sayre, 25, has reportedly been charged with burglary and destruction of property after throwing a brick through his neighbor’s living room window.

The encounter would leave the homeowner in the hospital, but not because of injuries inflicted by Evans-Sayre.

When the break-in occurred, the homeowner, armed with a handgun, prepared himself to meet the threat.

Unfortunately, he also fell and managed to shoot himself in the leg.

After that, the homeowner fired two shots in the direction of the intruder, Evans-Sayre, which seems to have driven him off.

Evans-Sayre was arrested and charged, and a probable governing factor for the break-in was later determined — the man had taken meth approximately two hours before.

“In 99 percent of the crimes committed somebody is under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese said according to WSAZ. “In this case, I’m just glad nobody was seriously injured.”

The homeowner was hospitalized for his gunshot wound, but was expected to be OK at the time of WSAZ’s most recent update.

It is not as easy as one might think to have a complete command of one’s faculties and maintain firearm discipline during times of high stress like this, but what happened here is exactly why.

Stay alert, and stay safe — the last thing we need are responsibly-armed citizens hurting themselves.

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