Report: Anti-Gun Activist David Hogg Seen In New York, Safe With Armed Guards

Most of us know the name David Hogg. Most of us aren’t huge fans of David Hogg.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the guy, David Hogg is a survivor of the infamous Parkland, Florida school shooting earlier this year, and has vowed to never let such violence happen again.

It sounds good until you realize how rabidly anti-gun he is and how close to absolute zero his knowledge of firearms, legislation, or action thereabouts sits.

He’s under the belief he’s now a gun control expert because of his experience, and although his experience is totally valid and seriously tragic, a subject matter expert it does not make.

Regardless, the teen has snagged a book deal, and something a lot bigger — armed guards.

Twitter user Sean Di Somma posted a photo of Hogg walking on the street of New York with entourage members in tow — including some men who seem to be armed guards.

“Here’s @davidhogg111 in NYC today with armed guards and a bunch of publicists. #neveragain #Hypocrites,” wrote Sean Di Somma on Twitter in a tweet that has since been removed.

With the tweet came this photo:

Seems odd that someone who has been so vocally anti-gun wouldn’t trust his fellow man not to attack him.

Weirdly enough, Hogg found that now-deleted tweet and said the following:

He didn’t even bother to deny it, and therein lies the rub:

If you’re going to talk the anti-gun talk, you gotta walk the anti-gun walk. Hogg isn’t special, and it’s ridiculous that he’d speak out on guns while hiding behind them.

But isn’t that what so many do?

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