Do You Have A Record Of The Firearms You Own?

As I sit here reading firearm-related articles, I began to think about my personal collection. I went through all of my firearms in my head and know that I can recite exactly what I have and where they all are. I mean, that’s information that every gun owner should know.

But what about going a little deeper? Do you keep a record of your firearms and serial numbers? God forbid if one turns up missing one day, you’re going to want that information available for police when you report it.

There are many apps now that handle this information for you and it’s all stored locally on your phone instead of a server somewhere. I use an app called Gun Safe (this isn’t an advertisement, I really use them) which allows me to store all of the information, as well as photos of my firearm. There are quite a few more around but if you don’t want to use an app, it’s a good idea to have the information somewhere that’s accessible if you need it.

Thoughts of the day.

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