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Couple Works Together, Shooting Three Armed Attackers Outside Grocery Store

By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG

You carry a concealed handgun because you never know. You don’t just strap one on when you’re going to an “iffy part of town.” The truth is, there’s no way to predict when the worst can happen. Take yesterday’s story of a typical Florida Man who tried a couple of carjackings outside a Walmart store.

Friday, a Georgia couple was out and about doing what a lot of people do heading into a weekend — errands. They had just walked out of a Kroger store after buying some groceries when they were approached by three men.

“We believe that there may have been some sort of crime that was intended to happen at that time, whether it was a robbery or a carjacking, we really don’t know right now,” said Shiera Campbell with the DeKalb County Police Department.

They had apparently been targeted by the three while shopping inside the store.

According to DeKalb Police spokeswoman Shiera Campbell, the couple was inside the store when a group of three began following them. The trio then followed the couple out of the store into the parking lot, where there was an exchange of “a large amount of gunfire.”

Police believe the group targeted the couple, but don’t believe the parties knew each other before the incident.

“Whether it was a robbery or a carjacking, we don’t know right now. It’s still too early on in the investigation to say,” Campbell told 11Alive at the scene.

This is why we carry. Not because of fear, not because we’re hankering to shoot someone, not because we’re itching for a fight. Law-abiding concealed carriers arm themselves because something like this can and does happen, not only in downtown areas or inner cities, but also in suburban shopping centers or gas stations.

And this is exactly the type of defensive gun use — watch, they’ll classify this one as a mass shooting — that Gabby Giffords and Shannon Watts say never happens in America. Because they would rather you be disarmed and a victim than able to defend yourself as this Georgia couple did.

Not. Another. Inch.

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