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Brazen Midday Burglary Stopped Short by Armed, Angry Homeowner

SAN ANGELO, TX — When a 19-year-old apartment resident was surprised by a thug trying to break into his home, he knew what he had to do.

Being the armed, responsible citizen that he was he produced a firearm and shot and neutralized his attacker neutralizing the threat to his life.

According to GoSanAngelo:

A 26-year-old San Angelo man who was shot and killed during an apparent residential burglary has been identified. Just after 12:20 p.m. Monday, San Angelo Police were dispatched to an apartment complex in the 200 block of South Fillmore Street for the report of a burglary in progress in which the resident shot an intruder.

There, officers found the body of Jaime Mendoza, who was later pronounced dead “due to injuries incurred from the gunshot wound” by Justice of the Peace J.P. McGuire, according to a news release from the police department. McGuire said Mendoza’s body will be sent to Lubbock for autopsy.

The resident, a 19-year-old San Angelo man, was not injured, the release stated. His identity was not released. Investigators included detectives with SAPD’s Criminal Investigations Division and the Crime Scene Investigations Unit.

I can understand the desire to attempt to conduct a midday burglary if one were to plan out the commission of a crime — operating on the assumption most people are at work by that time, it makes for fewer witnesses and a higher likelihood of an unoccupied home.

However, any witnesses that are around will be even more likely to be alerted to any kind of forcible entry, and anyone in the home is decidedly less likely to be incoherent at the time of the break-in.

Mendoza rolled the dice, and he lost. Big time.

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