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Man Shot By Homeowner During Break-In Attempt

BOWLING GREEN, OH — When a pair of thugs attempted to break into an Ohio residence, they weren’t counting on the occupant being armed.

Not only was he armed, but he was more than happy to resist his attackers — one of the two suspects, later caught, was found with three different bullet wounds.

As The Blade reports:

The Liberty Street homeowner called 911 shortly after 1 a.m. Friday and told officials he shot his 9mm handgun toward two men, whom he said broke into his home, according to Bowling Green Police Lt. Daniel Mancuso. The two men then fled the home, police said.

The threatening suspect was shot three times — twice in the arm and once in the lower back — the lieutenant said. He was located about a block and a half away near North Main Street and Evers Road. His injuries were described as not life-threatening.

He was transported to Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center, according to a Bowling Green police report. According to the report, only one of the two men were located. Nothing from the home was stolen, Lieutenant Mancuso said.

Property records identify the homeowner as Terry Stetler. Mr. Stetler declined comment Friday.

Nothing from the home was stolen because the attackers were too busy getting their tail ends handed to them.

This brings up a question, however, that will have 1911 fanboys dancing in the streets:

If the attacker was hit in the lower back with a 9mm cartridge, and the man was still able to get away, is the cartridge adequate for home defense or, by extension, concealed carry?

The answer, in my opinion, is yes. It’s still perfectly viable.

The number one objective of any responsibly armed citizen in a life-and-death situation is simple — stop the threat.

This 9mm-wielding man sent his adversaries packing — mission accomplished.

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