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Unarmed Cab Driver Magically Becomes Armed, Thanks To Incompetent Armed Robbers

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO — A teen is in the hospital and two others in jail after their failed attempt at armed robbery of a cab driver.

The worst –and best– part of the story is that one of the robbers had his gun taken from him during the incident. It’s good because the cab driver was able to gain control of the firearm and use it to defend himself, but it’s bad because he would have been better off with a firearm of his own.

The cab driver told police he was called to the Rockford Village public housing complex to take three men to an address on Rutledge Drive, and when they arrived, one of them pulled a gun and demanded money.

The cab driver wrestled with the gun before it went off, wounding one of the robbers. They fled, and the driver drove to Maranatha Lane, where he called 911.

That’s one tough cab driver, and we’re glad to see that he made it out of the incident unharmed. As for the thugs, they’re all pretty young and will hopefully be set on the right path in life after their poor decisions.

One of the teens was a juvenile and whose name was not released, so maybe its not too late for him to change his ways. He’s already been caught at least one time that we know of (this time), and it’s apparent that the thug life isn’t for him.

It’s also not for the 18-year-old who got shot, because he had to seek medical attention after being shot with his own gun. Take it like a man if you’re going to choose to be an armed robber as a career choice.

That career comes with hazards.

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