Two Trips To The World Trade Center, 18 Years Apart, Identical Photos

In high school, we took a trip to NYC. One of the stops along the way was to visit the World Trade Center. I remember being up there on the observation floor taking pictures. One of the pictures was always my favorite, and still is.

Just this week, My fiancee and I went to NYC again. This was my third trip, but it was her first time in the Big Apple. One of the places that we had to visit was One World Trade Center, the memorial, as well as the 9/11 Museum.

I also had a personal mission; to get a picture from the top of One World Trade, and to have it closely resemble the photo that I took 18 years ago.

Above is the photo from 1999. I was proud of this photo. I can still remember turning the wheel on the disposable camera to get the shot. I didn’t take many pictures, but was very pleased with how this one came out.

We first visited memorial pools, and stayed a while to take in the experience and emotion. You just stand there, thinking and remembering what happened in that very spot.

We moved onto the 9/11 Museum, and it was a surreal experience. The presentation was excellent, and the items that were recovered were displayed in the best way possible.

Above is a piece of a South Tower Column, that visitors are free to touch. We took the opportunity to get a little closer and gave a (one of many) moment of silence for all those lost that day.

It was a trip that I have been wanting to take for years, and am glad that I finally had the opportunity to visit the site and pay my respects.

So, did I get the picture that I was searching for? You bet. I’ll end this with the original again, and finally the new picture which I took from the top of One World Trade Center.

1999, from the World Trade Center Observatory Floor

2017, from the One World Trade Center Observatory Floor

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