Loaded Gun Found at Airport, But Look What It’s Being Hailed As

CHARLOTTE, NC — When one news group reported on a concealed firearm that was negligently brought into an airport, they messed up royally — embarrassingly, even.

Let’s take a look at what WBTV had to say:

A man accused of carrying a loaded gun at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport Thursday was arrested.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police say the man was stopped by TSA officers with a loaded .99 handgun around 8 a.m. at checkpoint E.

The firearm was detected in the man’s carry-on bag on the X-ray machine, TSA officials say. The passenger was questioned, arrested and charged with carrying a weapon on airport property.

Now, let’s take a look for a second at the description of the loaded firearm: “the man was stopped by TSA officers with a loaded .99 handgun around 8 a.m. at checkpoint E.”

Would anyone like to explain to me exactly what a .99 handgun is? Anyone? No? Because if someone is selling Ruger LC9s for $0.99, I’m totally in. Pencil me in for 300.

But if its just the media acting like morons, we probably ought to talk about that for a minute.

The trustworthiness of the media has been — for some reason — somehow been married to political leanings, but we’re not going to worry about that here. There’s one issue that concerns us right now, and that is the right to keep and bear arms.

We cannot maintain the right to keep and bear arms when the media cares so comically little about being accurate when it comes to firearms that .99 is committed to metaphorical paper and edited and released. The Charlotte Observer fared slightly better, calling the firearm a “.9mm handgun.”

When that little regard for firearms and that little care for truth when it comes to firearms is the order of the day, people won’t bat an eye when it comes to cutting rights to those firearms.

Don’t be fooled — the majority of people’s opinion on a given subject is formed by the media they read. There has to be accountability to foolishness like this.

While the news messed up, so did this man with the gun. If he was aware of the gun in his carry on, he’s a fool. If he wasn’t aware of it, he’s either still a fool… or was framed.

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