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Homeowner Takes Out Two Teenage Intruders, One Dead

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO — Early Friday morning, one homeowner had to engage two teenagers when they attempted to break into his home.

One of the teens didn’t survive.

According to Call Newspapers:

Officers from the St. Louis County Police Department’s South County Precinct responded to the 911 call for help at roughly 6:45 a.m. today.

Pronounced dead at the scene was Demarcus Boxley, 19, who had been shot at least once. Boxley lived in the 3100 block of Nebraska Avenue in St. Louis, 63118. Soon after the call off Shadwell was dispatched to officers, South County Precinct officers responded to the 2600 block of Elk Hill for a 14-year-old male who was suffering from at least one gunshot wound whom they first identified as a victim, but later classified as a suspect. That suspect ran to that address after being shot in the 300 block of Shadwell. Both addresses are connected to the initial shooting off Shadwell, police said.

The 14-year-old was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive.

And thank God. The kid was 14.

Now, there’s no question that there really isn’t a minimum age you need to be to constitute a threat to folks, especially when armed (keep your guns away from children, folks), but it’s never fun to see something like this.

It’s not fun to see a child taking place in major-league crime. It’s even more traumatic to have to engage that kid in a deadly confrontation.

It’s nothing less than a miracle that he survived. Hopefully he will be able to recover, see the error of what he did here, and learn from this awful ordeal.

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