
Intense Video Shows Officer Being Shot Point-Blank, Assailant Sentenced To 35 Years

Being a police officer is a job filled with unknowns, and you’ll see in this video just how quickly a good day can turn bad in an instant. Officer Quincy Smith, of the Estill Police Department, was responding to a call about a suspicious person at a store. When he arrived, he was told that a man had been trying to steal groceries from customers. He was given a description of the man, and it didn’t take long to track him down. The officer had a body camera, one that he had purchased himself, on his glasses. That camera captured everything that the officer was seeing, and helped tremendously when it came time to go to court.
His assailant, Malcolm Orr, 29, was found guilty of attempted murder and possession of a weapon and sentenced to 35 years Wednesday following a two-day trial.
In the video above, you can see the interaction between Orr and Officer Smith, and how quickly things turn potentially deadly.
“Come here, man. Come here for a second,” Smith says. As he gets closer to Orr, Smith notices that he has his hand in his pocket as if he’s carrying a weapon. “Take your hands out your pocket!” Smith yells. “If you don’t stop, I’m gonna tase you. I’m not playing with you!” Orr takes a few more steps before finally revealing the weapon — a 9mm handgun — and opening fire. “Shots fired!” Smith screams, while running back to his vehicle. “I am hit. I am hit in my neck someplace,” he says. “Dispatch, please tell my family I love them.”
Officer Smith was shot at 8 times, and Orr is just another thug who could care less about someone’s life. Luckily, Smith survived the injuries sustained, and was able to see Orr brought to justice for his crimes. During the trial, it took jurors less than 45 minutes to come back with their guilty verdicts. In my opinion, 35 years isn’t enough for the crimes committed. Orr was looking to kill, and should be locked up for the rest of his days. In closing, I’d like to thank Officer Smith for his service to his community, and am happy that he survived this horrible experience. And, a thank you to all of those who serve to protect. They put their lives in danger each day, and are unfortunately faced with thugs such as Orr.
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