Springfield Armory Introduces New XDE Model, And It’s Got A Hammer

Today, Springfield Armory announced a new model to their line, the XDE. It’s not a striker-fire, but instead sports a hammer that ‘is reinvented’.

Take a look at what Springfield has to say, along with the specs and videos, and let us know what your first impressions are of this new offering. We’re excited to get our hands on one to test out and review.

There are some tools so basic, you can’t imagine being without them.
But even essential tools can be refined and improved.

That’s the principle behind the new XD-E™ the best elements of the world-renowned XD® Series, condensed into a weapon so intuitive, comfortable and accurate, you can’t imagine being without it.

The low-effort slide practically racks itself, so handling’s a pleasure.
The exposed hammer clearly shows gun mode, and the single/double action trigger shows respect for your shooting style, unlike other compacts.

New shooter or skilled gunner, wrap your mitt around the new
XD-E™ and you’ll know. This is more than a hammer.

It redefines what your hammer should be.

Let’s take a look at some specs:

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