
#DIGTHERIG – Adam and his Taurus Millennium G2 … And Much More!

1. I carry Taurus Millennium G2, North American Arms .22wmr Wasp, and I keep a Keltec Sub 2000 Gen2 .40cal my car. Plus a Winchester pocket knife.

2. I carry the Taurus in a IWB Mernickle Molded Leather Holster made for a Kahr Baby Eagle. The Mini Revolver in my back pocket next to my wallet. And the keltec in a range bag made by my local dealer.

3. The Taurus is great concealed handgun at a price. It carries more then 10rds, has an auto safety, upgradeable sights, and is something I can depend on. The holster fits my gun, is comfortable to conceal, and allows for quick/safe draw/holstering. The Wasp is great gun to have when you can’t get to you or carry your 9mm. It’s reliable, accurate, concealable, and is a classic. I keep the Keltec in the car for when a handgun isn’t enough. It folds up for discrete storage, and with Glock mags, I can have 40 rounds of 180gr .40 cal.

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