
[VIDEO] Ultimate Glock Meltdown

Once in a while, I like to post videos from the firearms community that are more on the fun side of things. Look no further than Iraqveteran8888’s recent video titled Ultimate Glock Meltdown!

Video above. Throw down your prediction in the comments below –before you watch the video– as to when (if) you think the Glock 17 will fail.

We are kicking Handgun Month off with a “bang” so to speak with a Glock 17 Meltdown. We had our friends over at Quiet Riot Firearms make the necessary modifications to our Gen 3 Glock 17 in order to add a registered auto sear and help make this baby cook! We think you guys are going to be impressed with the results, and you haters out there will be a bit disappointed. Special thanks to SGM Tactical for providing us with plenty of magazines for this test.

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