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[VIDEO] Man Defends Against Attempted Carjacker; “It Just Escalated So Unbelievably Quickly”

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HOUSTON, TEXAS — A couple with dinner plans found themselves in the middle of a violent carjacking, but the husband was able to take charge and stop the attempted theft and assault.

While leaving a parking garage, Daniel Bertrand and his wife were hit from behind by another vehicle. They exited the vehicle to investigate, and so did one of the four occupants of the other vehicle.

“He’s apologizing and asking us if we’re OK,” Bertrand said.

Things changed quickly when the man jumped into the driver’s seat of Bertrand’s vehicle.

“I grabbed him and he comes out really easy but as soon as he comes out it’s just violence. He just hits me and everything escalates from there,” Bertrand said.

Bertrand was knocked to the ground, and then stomped on. The man then tried to steal the vehicle again, but Bertrand wasn’t having any of it.

He pulled the man out of his vehicle again and another struggle began. Bertrand kept a handgun in his driver’s side door and was able to retrieve it.

“I was able to grab the gun and come up this way and put it on him,” said Bertrand. “I think it was the biggest surprise of his life. His eyes got really big.”

The man dove into his vehicle and took off, not wanting the type of fight that Bertrand was forced to bring to the table.

“I just want to make sure this doesn’t happen to anybody else,” said Bertrand. “I can’t see this turning out any way other than badly for them. You’re going to end up prison or you’re going to end up dead.”

Bertrand’s night ended in the hospital to get his ear stitched up after the assault.

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