[WHY I CARRY] Grandfather Killed During Home Invasion

LEHIGH ACRES, FL — A 68-year-old grandfather was at his home with his wife and three-month-old grandchild when a group of people broke into their home, then bound and beat them.

The baby was unharmed. The grandmother was taken to the hospital and is said to be expected to survive. The grandfather however, died of his injuries. The victims were identified as Hemchand and Sabitree Bhagwandin.

The incident happened just after 11pm Sunday night in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. At least one neighbor however, has said that in the recent weeks, crime has picked up in their immediate area.

Neighbors, like John Shelley, say they are getting accustomed to the police activity.

“This house was broken into once and the house down the street has been broken into once since we’ve been here,” Shelley said.

It’s a sad reminder of why it is so important to arm ourselves against evil such as this. Police have no motive, and find it to be a seemingly random home invasion. During an interview, Police added:

This is something that doesn’t happen in Lee County. You normally… when we see these types of crimes, they are because of the lifestyle that people lead. These aren’t just your normal everyday people that are out there living at home and doing their thing, and all of a sudden somebody breaks in. So obviously, we’re working diligently to find out who did this and where we can bring this to justice.

If you have family and/or friends that aren’t armed, send this article their way. It may just help convince them to place their safety in their own hands.

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