Texas Man Shoots And Kills Neighbor’s Dogs, Boasts About It On Facebook And Uploads Picture

A Texas man is being absolutely torn apart on social media for his Facebook post that shows an image of two deceased dogs after he shot them. Along with the image posted, he added the caption: “Somebody didn’t put any truth my warning. Keep your damn dogs on your property.”

**Graphic Image. Some viewers my find this too disturbing. Proceed with caution.**

Family friend Kevin Forester said Conatser found the dogs inside his barn a couple of days earlier, while they were attacking his calf, and recognized them as belonging to his neighbor.

“So he went over to his neighbor’s and told him that his dogs was getting in his barn and attacking his animals, to please ya know keep ‘em at home, put ‘em on a leash, build a fence, do something,” recalled Forester.

The friend says Conatser told him the neighbor didn’t care. We left messages with neighbors in the area, but haven’t heard back.

There is a state statute that says a dog or coyote that attacks livestock, or domestic animals, may be killed by someone who witnesses it or the animals’ owner, and can’t be held liable for damages by the dog’s owner.

Police are currently investigating the incident. If the dogs did indeed attack his livestock, it would seem that it falls under the state statute. However, taking the next step of posting the disturbing image on social media is sick and twisted. I’m a huge dog lover and even if I weren’t, I’d still think that it’s absurd.

Another gun owner making the rest of us look bad. What say you?

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