[BREAKING] Panera Bread Asks Customers To Leave Guns At Home

This is a real shame, I love(d) Panera.

“The request is simply we recognize everyone’s rights,” said Panera CEO Ron Shaich during a phone interview Monday. “But we also recognize that we are building communities in our cafes and are where people come to catch a breath.”

“We’re simply respectfully requesting that people leave their guns at home,” he added. “It’s that simple.”

On a positive note, the chain will still adhere to state and federal laws, and will not require any of it’s locations to post signs or ban firearms. They have also directed locations not to enforce the request.

Mom’s have also jumped up to claim responsibility for their ‘victory’, stating that they’ve been speaking with Panera for months now. Nice going, Mom’s, for establishing yet another kill zone. Keep giving crazy people places to go where they’re likely to be the only ones with the firepower to take out as many people as possible.

It could simply be that Panera doesn’t want to be stuck between both sides of the debate, which Mom’s tend to do. They just love to trap certain businesses and force them to make statements. Either way, it looks like I’ll need to give up my twice a week Frontega Chicken Panini.


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