LOL Of The Day: Armed Robber Drops His Pistol And Wallet When Confronted By Armed Citizen

You can’t make this stuff up. Around 12:30am a few Sundays ago in Alabama, an armed robber entered a home uninvited and pointed his pistol at the occupants. Little did he know, one of the people he was trying to rob had a firearm of his own.

The armed occupant pointed his pistol at the robber and then things took a different turn. Now fearing for his own life, the robber takes off out the door, but not before doing the following:

1) He trips and falls down
2) When this happens, he drops his pistol
3) And he also drops his wallet
4) And leaves both of them behind

As I said before, you can’t make this stuff up. It’s rather amusing to see how a criminal feels once the tables have been turned on them. It’s not so fun to have a gun pointed at you, is it?

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