*UPDATE* New York Gun Confiscation

UPDATED 04/09/2013 at 4:15pm EST

Word is starting to pour in throughout the interwebs regarding Gun Confiscation in the state of New York. While sources are not 100% verified as of this posting, we don’t doubt it one bit. It seems to fall under the new NY Safe Act; a portion of which deals with gun owners and prescription medications.

According to the source, some residents in Erie County NY that hold a NYS Pistol Permit have had their permits revoked and firearms removed from their homes due to certain Anxiety and Depression medications that they currently have prescribed to them.

Let’s hope someone jumped the gun (pun intended) and this is a false report. Because if it isn’t, this is surely just the beginning. No gun jumped; this is happening as we speak. For now, you can find more information at the links below:



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