Playing through scenarios in your head is an important part of self-defense training, but that means taking those scenarios and implementing them in your in-person training. If you can get yourself the type of training that will get your adrenaline pumping, you’ll be ahead of most when it comes to reactions in an actual self-defense…
A 12-year-old girl had to run from bullets fired by the brother of her school bully. Whatever was going on with the bullying, the brother of the bully apparently wanted to take matters into his own hands and hunt down this 12-year-old. What a world. The 12-year-old, while carrying her 11-month-old brother, saw the person…
A Houston Dollar Store employee is now facing murder charges after he shot a suspected shoplifter as he fled multiple times. Video of the incident is below, and John at ASP covers a good number of instances where this armed employee messed up and crossed the line. They’re all worth a watch when we share…
A family watched their home surveillance video when it alerted them of people outside in their driveway. Upon inspection, one suspect was under the vehicle and another was holding a gun and pointing it at the front door of the home. The people inside the home, thankfully, decided to stay where they were and called…
Meeting up with people you met on the internet for the purposes of selling things should come with certain precautions, and going into a real-world sale prepared and with your brain turned on is important. A seller posted his vehicle online, and agreed to meet a potential buyer at a hotel parking lot. The supposed…