• What Would You Do If This Angry Guy Was Running Towards You?

    An altercation at a bar, earlier in the night, led to one man wanting some more of the fight. He finds the guy he was butting heads with earlier and crosses the street and goes right towards him. The other guy kinda… just… stands there. The result: Bad guy gets 4 1/2 years behind bars…

  • [VIDEO] Guns Are The Equalizer, And It’s Up To Each Person If They Have One Or Not

    A gun in the hand of a good guy is something that can stop a bad guy with a similar tool. It’s been a debate for decades, but in my mind, there’s no debate. When two bad guys walked into a convenience store, they were looking to make a cash withdrawal. The clerk was ready…

  • [VIDEO] 10 Trends in the 2020 Gun World

    There are three things in life that are guaranteed. Death, taxes and a changing gun world. Every year, we see various directions the gun world is moving. Firearm manufacturers study the market and gauge which direction shooters are moving. Basically, it depends on where the dollars are being spent and how the gun companies are…

  • [FIREARM REVIEW] New Ruger LCP II .22 LR “Lite Rack”

    I clearly remember the intense rage about eight years when the Ruger LCP .380 LCP was the hottest pistol on the planet. I watched people outbid each other to pay over $600 at local gun shows. As the concealed carry world expanded throughout the country, shooters wanted that little pocket pistol for easy and comfortable…

  • [VIDEO] Armed Officer Has Gun Taken Right Out Of Holster While In Line At Convenience Store

    A retention holster, especially with open carry, is essential to helping you maintain control over your firearm and giving anyone else a hard time trying to get it. What happened here is something that just shouldn’t be a thing, but it was. The officer is at the register, checking out with some items. Very quickly,…

  • This Guy Is Living In A 2030 Training World While We’re Still In 2020

    This is a video that really gets you thinking; Is my training enough? Is it sufficient? If you’re going by these standards, the answer is no. Have you ever needed to run from your target while at the range? We didn’t think so, but this guy does. That’s because the target is a moving one,…

  • [VIDEO] 6 NEW Handguns from Sig Sauer

    Every year, Sig Sauer creates an incredible showplace at Shot Show. There are so many firearms to learn and check out it really is amazing. As I was gazing at the new rifles for 2020, much of the Shot Show buzz was on their new handguns. For the record, this is nothing new. Sig Sauer…

  • [VIDEO] Parkland Gunman Fights Guard In Jail, Gains Access To Taser, Eventually Handcuffed

    BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — The man behind bars for the mass shooting that took place at a Parkland, Florida high school, that claimed the lives of 17 people, is seen taunting and eventually fighting with a jail guard in a newly-released video. The incident happened back on November 13 of 2018, but the video was…

  • SHOT Show 2020 Videos & Coverage: Top Picks

    Our 5th year at SHOT Show was just as busy as the others, but we did take some extra time to walk the floor and check things out. We covered… maybe 1/10th of the entire floor this year. There were some highlights for us at the show, and we’ve put some videos together to show…