You Can’t Shoot Someone In The Back If They’re Retreating, Even If They Were The Aggressor (Usually)
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This guy right here was put in a situation where another man began verbally attacking him. Things turned physical in a short amount of time until the one man got up and walked away. The other guy takes a gun out of a bag and when the other man returns, fires a shot at him…
Negligent Discharge, Stupidity Lead To Man’s Death After Being Shot By Friend While Cleaning Guns
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A few guys are seen on camera in an office, and they’re cleaning a few handguns. This usually isn’t cause for concern, but both of them show extreme negligence, disregard for any firearm safety rules, as well as heightened stupidity. The man in the yellow shirt finishes cleaning and points the unloaded gun at his…
This Man Wasn’t Paying Attention To His Surroundings, And Wasn’t Prepared For The Attack
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When you’re going to and from your home, you’re in a vulnerable spot. Leaving in the morning or getting home later on are good times for bad guys to make a move. In the incident shown in the video below, a man has just returned home and parked in his driveway. As he sits there…
This is one of those stories that shows two tricky things: An armed person deciding to get themselves involved in an armed robbery, and an armed person already having a gun pointed at them before they are ready to engage. The armed good guy is actually an off-duty police officer, and his off-duty police officer…
The past three months, the US saw record amounts of firearm sales. Many people who never considered purchasing a gun were buying them in numbers we haven’t seen before. First time gun owners were purchasing guns and ammunition with very little firearm knowledge. I have made videos to help these new gun owners better understand…
[VIDEO] Concealed Carrier Loses Gun During Fight, Thug Set Out To Murder Him But Luckily Couldn’t Work Safety
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Luck was on this guy’s side, and you’ll see just how lucky he was in the video below. At an auto repair shop, a teen was angry after accusing the shop of using surveillance cameras to video his property. That didn’t end up being the case, but the teen still threatened to come back and…
John Correia has covered many videos out of Brazil that show armed people defending themselves against the bad guys, but up until now, they’ve all been off-duty police officers. In Brazil, it’s extremely difficult for citizens to own and possess firearms, and impossible to legally carry them. Well, not impossible, as you’ll see below. Did…