Three people were sitting outside a coffee shop on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, minding their own business when two people walked up, on producing a handgun. That’s a scary situation to be in, and we see the three comply with the robber’s demands. The entire time, the man with the gun waves it around…
As John states in the video below, we don’t know the circumstances behind this incident. Who was the aggressor? We don’t know. Were some of those people working together? We don’t know. Were any of the guns legally owned/carried? We don’t know. What we do know is that bad people are out there, and we…
I will continue to say this until I’m blue in the face. If you’re inside your home, for example, and someone is breaking into your car outside, stay in that safe space and call police. Below is a home surveillance video that shows an armed home owner going out to confront two suspected burglars. For…