Amazingly, the clerk who was shot had sustained minor injuries. When you watch the video below, you’ll realize just how lucky he was to make it out of this alive. When the bad guy fires, another clerk behind the check-out is armed, and is a retired police officer. He wastes no time once he realizes…
Insane Video Shows Motorcyclists And Driver Getting Into It, And It All Should Have Been Avoided
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We’re not necessarily taking a look at this incident from the perspective of an armed citizen, but more so any citizen at any time in any capacity. The biggest lesson here; avoid confrontation even if you’ll get annoyed with people getting away with things you deem wrong. After you watch the video below, you’ll likely…
Guy With A Mask Over His Mask Robs Pawn Shop With Gun In Shoebox, While Wearing Gardening Gloves
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I like to be descriptive in my titles. This guy below is one of a trio who walked into a pawn shop to rob the place. They succeeded, but the one guy was nothing short of bizarre. I’ve already outlined much of it in the title, and the video speaks for itself. As mentioned in…