• Why You Need To Wear A Tactical CCW Belt

    When you first start into the world of carrying a concealed firearm, there’s a bunch of considerations you’ll be forced to make that you wouldn’t have to before.  We’re going to go over a few of those adjustments – like wearing a tactical belt – and go over why those things are necessary. If you…

  • Mother Learns The Hard Way To Keep Firearms Away From Child

    HAMILTON, OHIO — Butler County Prosecutor Mike Gmoser has formally announced all criminal charges will be dropped against Elizabeth Green in connection with the death of her child last week.   Last Wednesday, Marques Green, 3, got access to his mother’s concealed carry firearm in her purse and accidentally discharged it into his own chest. According to…

  • Did S&W Cause More Negligent Discharges In LA County Sheriff’s Dept?

    You fight like you train, right?  Well, when the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department decided to transition from the ancient SA/DA Beretta 92F to a more responsive Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, it seems the old training stuck… Too well. Academy trainees in Los Angeles County began training with M&P 9mm in 2011. In 2012,…

  • Firearm Maintenance For Concealed Carry Pistols

    Modern firearms are usually made to exacting standards.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a Hi-Point or a Kimber, the modern manufacturing process usually takes out a lot of guesswork as to how a pistol should operate. The most common fault with a concealed carry pistol will be a failure to fire.  Supposed “accidental” (negligent) discharges,…

  • Becoming A Better Shooter: 3 Tricks To Tighten Your Shot Groups

    Accuracy is essential for concealed carriers.  Whereas a hobbyist may shoot simply for leisure and pleasure, a concealed carrier has to be able to accurately put rounds on target in a hostile environment. Shot accuracy isn’t born into the concealed carrier – it’s learned.  And it starts with a few fundamental practices that help the…

  • Things To Consider Before Deciding To Carry Concealed

    Am I willing to use my firearm to defend myself and others? A big part of being a concealed carrier is knowing that it comes with a heavy responsibility.  It’s not open carry for a reason – nobody should know you have a firearm on you.  That means if and when such an occasion comes…

  • Carrying Concealed Under The Influence – Does CCW And Alcohol Mix? Ever?

    It’s been a long hard week.  Why not just pop over to your local bar and have a nice cool glass of suds? On the surface, it seems like an awesome idea.  But if you’re a daily carrier – it’s walking a thin line.  Every state that issues a concealed carry permit has their own…

  • Do You Need Your CCW Permit On You While Carrying?

    This question comes up a lot.  Is it necessary to keep a concealed carry permit on your person all the time while you’re carrying?  Here’s a simple rule of thumb – if you’re not in a state with permitless concealed carry (i.e. Vermont), then yes. Here’s why: if you need to use your pistol in…

  • Armed Homeowner Stops Burglar Right In His Tracks

    via Tribune Star Sheriff Greg Ewing told the Tribune-Star that the break-ins all occurred in the early morning hours, the time when most people are asleep in bed and vulnerable to attack. “He is the most dangerous type of burglar,” Ewing said of Smith. “He was one foot, but stashing all the stuff he took,…