Firearm Safety
A Fight Over The Gun, Who Wins?
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We reported on a story in July of an off-duty NYPD police officer who was attacked in a parking garage. She had her gun in her purse but was kept from getting it because she was being attacked. The thief made off with the purse and the gun inside. Bad day. But this isn’t as…
Would You Leave Your Gun With A Dude Parked In A Van? Entrepreneur Proposes Guns Locked Up In Trucks Outside Cardinals Stadium
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Crazy or genius?! One guy in St. Louis is fed up with having to leave his firearm in his vehicle while he attends a Cardinals game — so he proposed one solution to fix the problem. Well, he’s not getting St. Louis to back down on their “no weapon policy” in the stadium. That’s going…
13-Year-Old Defends Home Against Armed Burglar With Well Placed Shots — Colt .45 To The Rescue
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LADSON, SOUTH CAROLINA — A thirteen year old boy reportedly shot and killed an armed burglar trying to break in through the back. According to reports filtering in and reported through WECT 6, deputies arrived on the scene to find a boy shaken after exchanging gunfire with the armed burglar. The intruder fled after a…
This is a topic that came via request from our Facebook fans. In the concealed carry community, we all know how important it is to strive for realistic conditions in our training. Not only does this tune us in for realistic expectations in an actual self-defense situation, it develops a certain amount of “muscle memory”…
The Washington Examiner recently covered an article where the House voted in favor of restoring gun rights to non-violent felons. “America is a land of second chances. One mistake should not define your future,” Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck said. The House agreed on a voice vote to his amendment to the Justice appropriations bill.…
By Mark via Growing Up Guns Rebecca Bahret of contacted me recently about compiling a list of the top X-number of safety tips for gun storage when kids are present. I was flattered she thought enough of the blog to ask me. I obliged, obviously, and thought of ten items. With word-count limits, deadlines,…
In this video supposedly taken on October 29, 2015 and released on November 1 via LiveLeak, an armed robber brandishes his gun and begins ordering customers and employees around. The armed robber is then ambushed by one of the employees armed with his own handgun. On the surface, this could have been an opportunity for…
Suffering From Hearing Loss? This Representative Hears The Call To Remove Suppressors From The NFA!
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Arizona, is proposing a bill that would effectively remove the tax stamp on firearm silencers under the premise that it would benefit the hearing of practicing gun owners. According to the text from HR 3799, aka the “Hearing Protection Act of 2015”, firearm silencers would be classified under…