Beginners Guides
Why Concealed Carriers Grill Out Vs Go Out; Top 4 Things Conceal Carriers Do That Most Don’t
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Who doesn’t like going out for a night on the town? There’s nothing like getting off from a long week at work and heading out to mingle with all those other social animals. For concealed carriers, though, there’s a lot more to consider in those situations. Bars breed bad behavior. Too many movies about Patrick…
Beginners Guide: NEVER “Shoot To Kill”
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By Robert Farago via The correct expression is “shoot to stop the threat.” That’s what you’re trying to do when you perforate a perp. You are NOT trying to commit homicide, however justifiable that goal may be. Even if you’re aiming at the bad guy’s head or shooting him or her point-blank. You are shooting…
Slim-line conceal-ability or fight sustainability? That’s a question many concealed carriers have to ask themselves when selecting their concealed carry firearm. Which one is best all depends on several factors including: 1. Clothing Choice For lighter layers (and warmer weather), using a single stack concealed carry firearm can blend smoothly with a carrier’s waistline. When…
There are a lot of states that require some form of mandatory training prior to issuing a concealed carry permit. In almost all cases, that training includes as much (if not more) classroom time than it does range time. And then there are states like Vermont and others which are constitutional carry – permitless concealed…
Weapons routinely get confiscated by law enforcement. After a self-defense scenario has taken place, police may often ask to take your firearms until a judge makes a ruling or the regional prosecutor decides not to press charges. This guide will predominantly cover what happens when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF, ATF) confiscates…
By Dan Zimmerman via Square ranges are awfully limiting. As Kevin Michalowski points out in the video above, they place all manner of limits on what you can do within your assigned lane. Drawing and firing from a holster is almost always verboten. Rapid fire? Some allow it, some don’t. And by their nature,…
When you started your job, you were likely excited to begin a new part of your career. When you walked through those front doors on the first day and “read” the entirety of the Employee Handbook prior, you were probably thinking more of when the first paycheck would arrive than whether or not carrying concealed…
Why You Need To Wear A Tactical CCW Belt
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When you first start into the world of carrying a concealed firearm, there’s a bunch of considerations you’ll be forced to make that you wouldn’t have to before. We’re going to go over a few of those adjustments – like wearing a tactical belt – and go over why those things are necessary. If you…
Modern firearms are usually made to exacting standards. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Hi-Point or a Kimber, the modern manufacturing process usually takes out a lot of guesswork as to how a pistol should operate. The most common fault with a concealed carry pistol will be a failure to fire. Supposed “accidental” (negligent) discharges,…